Product review: IXOW anti-bike theft devices

Published by Lyn on 20 August 2015

We review the Safering, Wheel Guard skewers and Lassolock anti-theft devices from French company IXOW.

IXOW bike locks

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Safering, €19.90
Wheel Guard, €34.90
Lassolock, €29.90

IXOW are a French firm that produce a range of innovative security devices aimed at securing or improving the function of various parts of your bike. I tried out their Safering for securing your seatpost, Lassolock that stays attached to your seat so you never forget to take a lock, and their locking Wheelguard wheel skewers.

IXOW bike locks

The Safering (above and below) features a clever locking Allen key bolt that only works in an upside down position. When your bike is securely locked up and someone tries to remove the seatpost by turning the nut in the seatpost clamp, it simply slips around. This system would be highly inconvenient if you need to keep changing the height on the seat, as you need to tip the bike upside down to undo the lock, but therwise I can't fault the idea.

IXOW bike locks

Wheelguard antitheft skewers (above and below) also come in a 'gravity screw' option but I tried the security key version (Keycode); each set of skewers comes with key featuring a pattern of pins unique to those skewers.

IXOW bike locks

I found them slighter lighter than the quick release skewers they replaced. So if you are worried about losing those expensive wheels but don't want the hassle of taking extra locks, Wheelguard could be very useful. The price competes well with similar products from the likes of Pitlock and Pinhead.

The Lassolock (below) provides a lock you will never forget as it attaches permanently to your seat. It cannot be removed by thieves easily as the securing bolt that clamps it to the seat is hidden by the cable end itself once it is in the locked position. Whilst it doesn't carry any kind of secure rating, it may at least deter casual theft if you're just popping in and out of the shops. 


Like the majority of locks, a very determined thief with a wide range of tools and some privacy to tackle your bike could get through most anti-theft devices – but tooled up with a suitable combination of bike lock and 'part locks', you should rest easy that you're leaving your bike secure.

Safering, €19.90
Wheel Guard, €34.90
Lassolock, €29.90

Richard Peace is founder of Excellent Books, specialists in cycle publishing. He is author of Cycling Southern France (UKUS), Cycling Northern France (UKUS), and Electric Bicycles: The Complete Guide (UK, US). He is a regular contributor to A to B magazineBike Europe and writes for Eurobike Show Daily.

See our Reviews section, where we road-test more locks, bikes and accessories. 

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