Published by Lyn on 25 September 2014
Have you caught the Eurostar between London and France with your bike? Drop me a line about your experiences and any tips for other cyclists.
No problems getting Bromptons on Eurostar – but slightly larger folders may fall foul of Eurostar's 85cm stick. Photo thanks to Vinvin F.
I received the following email recently from Richard Peace, one of the lovely people who often pop up in my inbox to share their cycling in France experiences (like this and this and this).
His letter got me wondering about people who have taken the Eurostar recently and whether there was anyone else out there with feedback or tips to help make life easier for cyclists using the service.
Here's what Richard said – you can share your own experiences in the 'comments' at the end, or drop me an email via
From Richard:
Dear Lyn,
I wondered if you had any complaints about people with folders / stripped down and bagged bikes being challenged boarding Eurostar?
It was when returning from Paris at Gare du Nord a couple of days ago – though not on the way out at St Pancras.
The Eurostar site says 85cm and my Dahon is about 87cm-ish – so I was just let through after a bit of a debate with the Eurostar staff. They actually have a measuring stick made up with 85cm on it so are quite strict.
They were quite nice about it in the end but it seems to me 85cm is designed to exclude just about every bike bar Bromptons and other similar small folders. I see you have a very good guide on your website which gives chapter and verse on their cycle carriage policy, but just wondered if people were aware that there does appear to be a somewhat haphazard challenging policy. They really ought to simplify the system so it is totally clear and maybe have a measuring system way before you get to the stage of registering and boarding and make it slightly more generous.
Cheers, Rich.
Have you had any similar problems? Drop us a line below or email me at