Night cycling in the Pyrenees

Published by Lyn on 23 June 2015

Not content with climbing the cols of the Pyrenees in daylight? Then do it at dusk when Luz Ardiden and the Hautacam open for night cycling this summer.

Luz Ardiden
The hairpins of Luz Ardiden. Photo: Pretre

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That's right – you can ride the roads of the High Pyrenees at night on selected dates this summer.

The dates are:
July 25: Hautacam
August 14: Luz Ardiden

Luz Ardiden

Do this at dusk ... Photo: RLM Givry

cycling hautacam

And this ... Photo: Jules Joseph

The rides are social, leisure rides (they're not timed). Hot food, wine, music and a tombola (a raffle) will be waiting for you at the top.

You need to register to take part. It's €10 or €8 if you have a French cycling license. As with most organised rides in France, you'll also need a doctor's certificate saying you're fit and healthy and can take part.

pyrenees night cycling

For the Hautacam ride you can register on the day from 4pm at Place du Casino d’Argelès-Gazost (the tourist office details are here if you get stuck or need more info in advance). The ride leaves at 9pm from Place du Casino d’Argelès-Gazost.

Registration for the Luz Ardiden ride is at the Luz Saint-Sauveur tourism office from 5.30pm (contact details are here for the tourist office if you need more info). The ride leaves the tourist office at 8.30pm.

The flyer below also has local telephone numbers you can call.

Riders must wear bike helmets and have lights (a limited number of lights will be available for sale on the evening if you don't have any but it's better to brng your own just in case).

A new website for cycling in the High Pyrenees is live at this address and will carry more info on the night rides soon. Full information (in French) about the rides is also here.

cycling hautacam

Accommodation for cycling in the Pyrenees

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