Published by Lyn on 13 February 2014
Ian wrote to ask whether there was a single map covering all campsites in France. Here's our email exchange – a big thanks to everyone out there who helped with this enquiry.
Hello Lyn,
I got your email from your website – it's a very interesting website. I wonder if you could help me: I am looking for a single publication (I don't really want to buy a large number of maps) that shows the position of all the campsites in France. I can not find such a thing. I had hoped the 2014 AA road map might include such detail, but it doesn't. I am planning a ride from my home in Somerset (UK) to Monaco in May of this year. I have not ridden in France before and I am uncertain of my route – I may well change it from day to day once I am there. My only concern is being able to quickly and easily identify the closest camp site each day. I don't want to rely upon an electronic device (I don't have mobile phone and generally avoid technology). Can you give me any advice or tell me where I might find what I want?
Many thanks,
Lyn writes:
Hi Ian,
I don't personally know of a map covering all sites, however I've emailed and Tweeted various camping and tourist board contacts to find out. I've also posted it to Facebook.
Will keep you posted,
Ian writes:
Hello Lyn,
Thank you for replying. I really do appreciate it. It would be a great help to have some form of book/map with a note of all the potential campsites on. I realise now that most publications appear to focus on one area and particular day rides.
Many thanks,
Lyn writes:
Hi Ian,
There are definitely guidebooks available – all the major camping/outdoor publishers have books listing campsites, but I'm not aware of a single paper/hard copy map that covers them all. My first thought was that it would be logistically difficult to get every campsite in France on to one single map.
If you want to buy a guidebook (in English), I'd probably recommend the Alan Rogers series, although Michelin has a comprehensive campsite guide too.
As with all guides, I'm not sure they lists *every* campsite, but they should provide a decent selection for your route.
The official caravan and camping club in France produces as guide (in French) to what it claims is every site (including municipal/local sites). The French tourist board says it isn't aware of one single official map of all sites.
If you're not using a digital device then it may be worth considering finding space in your panniers for one of the books above.
For other background info, I have this intro to camping in France on my site. There are more camping articles here. This link includes some links to cycle camping stores I've used.
If I can help further, please just shout and I'll let you know if I hear anything about an actual map.
Lyn writes:
Hi Ian,
I've come up with this map – France: Aires de Services Map 2013 – following a suggestion via Twitter.
Bear in mind it's for caravan/motorhome travellers so it will include a lot of rest spots that aren't for traditional camping but for parking and using basic campervan services (sometimes even just a simple layby-type set-up). But the info on the bookshop site does say it includes regular campsites too.
Might be worth a look.
Ian writes:
Hello Lyn,
This looks like the sort of thing that'll work for me. I plan on taking the A3 large road atlas and this should work well with it. Thank you very much for finding this. I'm sure it'll be a great help. I am so looking forward to this adventure and a good few weeks away.
Thank you very much,
Lyn writes:
Hi Ian
We've had some feedback via our Facebook page after I posted your map query.

A few people have also questioned if the Aires map will be suitable as it will have sites that only accept campervans. I should therefore stress to ensure you check ahead to make sure the campsites listed at in fact campsites and not just resting areas reserved for campervans.
Thanks again for these links. I will look closer this evening.
Many thanks,